Guarantee Brand Safety through Trademark

Fortify your brand integrity by officially registering
your name, logo, or slogan, eliminating the risk of
others profiting without permission.

Require a Copyright instead? Click on this Link

Trademark Registration Services receive a recommendation from 98% of their customers.

What's the Process?

Simplified Trademark

Our uncomplicated trademark registration
procedure consists of three straightforward
steps, enhancing your likelihood of success.


Fill out a brief questionnaire

Answer a few fundamental questions and share details about your score effortlessly.


Conduct a Comprehensive Trademark Clearance Search

Our team of experts in trademark searches performs an in-depth exploration to avoid expensive redesigns.


Aid in Filing Your USPTO Application

Our support includes preparing your application and ensuring its precision for a seamless submission to the USPTO.


Budget-Friendly Trademark Registration
Options For Every Budget

Trademark Searches

+USPTO filling fees

Ensure your mark is eligible for use to avoid rejection.

  • Reduce costs and save time
  • Available for both domestic and international searches.
  • Get a comprehensive custom PDF report.
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Trademark Registration

+USPTO filling fees

Register your trademark in under 5 minutes.

  • Fill out a concise and straightforward questionnaire
  • Convenient and hassle-free process.
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Avail complimentary consultancy services.
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Monitoring Trademarks

per quarter

Avoid infringement and cut costs through ongoing, vigilant surveillance.

  • Constant monitoring and support, round the clock.
  • Cutting-edge monitoring technology.
  • Unlimited identifications and removals.
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Client Testimonials

Explore the experiences of our clients with our services!

By employing a dependable standardized process, we reduce the risk of application rejection, preserving your valuable resources. We have effectively partnered with over 5 million satisfied entrepreneurs.


"I am extremely pleased with the seamless trademark registration service provided by USP Trademark. Their standardized procedures made the entire process quick and efficient, ensuring my application had a higher chance of approval. I highly recommend their services for anyone seeking reliable and professional trademark registration."


"USP Trademark exceeded my expectations with their trademark registration services. The team's commitment to a standardized procedure not only saved me valuable time but also eliminated the worry of application denial. Their expertise and customer support made the journey smooth, and I am now a contented client with a successfully registered trademark."


"Choosing USP Trademark for my brand's registration was a wise decision. The standardized approach they implement is a game-changer, significantly reducing the possibility of rejection. The team's dedication and constant support throughout the process showcase their commitment to client satisfaction. I am a happy entrepreneur with a registered trademark, thanks to USP Trademark."


"USP Trademark has proven to be a reliable partner in my business journey. The trademark registration service they offer is top-notch, incorporating a standardized procedure that ensures a higher chance of success. Having successfully collaborated with over 5 million entrepreneurs, I can confidently say that USP Trademark is the go-to choice for anyone looking for efficient and trustworthy trademark registration services."

Companies That Trust Us

Recently Trademarked Companies

7M+ Business Owners

have relied on us to safeguard their valuable assets including
brand names, business logos, slogans, and other intellectual property.


Registration of Trademarks with the
Federal Government

Here’s a list of frequently asked questions you might have
about our Trade Mark Services.

A trademark serves as a legal safeguard for the distinct name, logo, and symbols distinguishing a specific business or product. This protection encompasses various elements, including business names, symbols, logos, sounds, and even specific colors linked to a brand. Upon registration, the trademark owner is authorized to use the ® symbol alongside their name, logo, or slogan.

Unique symbols are distinct and easily identifiable visual indicators linked to a specific brand or product. For instance, the distinctive orange hue of Reese's peanut butter cup packaging and the iconic bitten fruit symbol representing Apple computers are both trademarked symbols that instantly trigger brand and product recognition.

A federal trademark provides legal safeguarding for a brand across the entire United States, shielding against counterfeiting and fraudulent activities. It empowers the brand to take legal action against competitors who attempt to replicate its ideas. Acquiring a trademark grants exclusive rights to the brand for its names, slogans, and logos, thereby averting expenses associated with redesigns.

Furthermore, the use of the ® symbol after trademark registration serves as a clear signal that the brand is both protected and credible. Trademarks remain in force indefinitely as long as they are actively utilized, and maintenance documents are regularly submitted.

Some entrepreneurs of smaller enterprises might assume that obtaining a trademark is a concern reserved only for large, multinational corporations. However, safeguarding the fruits of your labor and maintaining your brand identity holds equal significance for small businesses.Small businesses have the option to trademark not only their brand logos but also words, symbols, packaging, and even distinctive sounds. Assessing whether a specific element of your brand identity qualifies for trademark protection necessitates a case-by-case examination, and seeking guidance from a small business intellectual property attorney can be beneficial in this context.

Experts recommend that small businesses strive to make their logos and other branding components as unique as possible. This approach yields two advantages: ensuring immediate brand recognition and enhancing protection for your intellectual property by making it more challenging for others to imitate.

Some small business owners may think that trademarking is only necessary for large, multinational corporations. However, safeguarding your hard work and brand identity is equally important for small businesses.

Small businesses can trademark not only their brand logos, but also words, symbols, packaging, and even sounds. Determining whether a particular aspect of your brand identity is eligible for trademark protection requires a case-by-case assessment, and a small business intellectual property attorney can provide guidance in this regard.

Experts suggest that small businesses should strive to make their logos and other branding elements as distinct as possible. This approach has two benefits: it ensures immediate brand recognition and provides greater protection for your intellectual property by making it harder for others to imitate.